Immune support

Our immune system is impacted by a numerous amount of internal & external factors, such as our microbiome, our stress, our sleeping patterns & how we exercise. Below I will discuss how each aspect can impact our immunity. As we head into the colder months, it’s important to ensure you are implementing daily rituals to support your natural defence system.


Our microbiome is multifaceted and influences the health of so many aspects of our body. When looking at the function of our immune system & how best to support it, the health of our gut (specifically our microbiome) can not be overlooked.

There is a strong alliance between our immune defence and our microbiome, as 70% of our immune system is derived from our microbiome. When the microbiome is strong & healthy, it allows the initiation of a protective response to pathogens and maintenance of regulatory pathways involved in the defending the body against pathogenic bacteria.

In a society where inflammatory diets & frequent antibiotic use is regular practice, we need to ensure we are supporting the health of our microbiome to allow it to support other aspects of our health (specifically our immune system).


When our body is faced with stress, cortisol is released, which sends a message throughout our body to stop it’s normal functioning in order to deal with the stressor.

What that does to our immune system, is it dampens the ability of our immune system to defend itself against pathogenic bacteria. Whilst cortisol can put a halt to our immune response, it can also reduce integral activity within the immune response such as reducing NK cell activity, lymphocyte proliferation, antibody production etc – aka basically reducing all our good working immune cells/pathways that help kill infections.

Altered immune function can lead to not only a weakened immune response, but can also exacerbate the symptoms due to the lack of the innate immune response.


We all know that when we are sick, we must rest.

But what’s really important, is to exercise in a sustainable manner (in our everyday life). If you over exercise, like anything that can put too much pressure on the body, it can impact your immune system.

During exercise, leukocytes increase due to increase in blood flow & activation of the sympathetic nervous system. Post exercise, the opposite happens as the body experiences a decrease in circulating lymphocytes, reducing our immune function. Acute sessions of intense exercise can often lead to a pro inflamamtory response in the body, however engaging in more than the daily recommended amount of exercise per day can put a dampener on our immune system

In summary — If we overtrain, it will suppress our immune function, therefore can result in reoccurring infections/colds/flus etc. Allow for a 24 hour recovery period between sessions, not only for your muscles, but for your immune system.

How to support your immune system via nutrition

— Protein
A diet low in protein has been linked to an increased risk in a dysfunction in the immune system. The amino acids found in protein are the building blocks for every cell in your body, including our immune cells. If you are not reaching your protein requirements, it will have a direct impact on how well your immune cells function.

— Wholefood meals

Wholefoods, such as fruit and vegetables, are rich in nutrients, antioxidants & fibre that will assist in strengthening and promoting a healthy immune system. A diet full of wholefoods will support every aspect of your health, by reducing inflammation & setting the body up to succeed with the right ‘fuel.’

— Hydration

Adequate water intake, daily, is imperative for a healthy immune system. Dehydration increases risk of bad bacteria growth & reduces the body’s natural defence system.

Aim for 2-3L per day

A naturopaths daily rituals for winter:
— Adequate hydration (2-3L)
— Movement
— Nourishing meals (including protein, fats, carbs, fibre etc.)
— Minimise stress
— Sleep !!!
— & supplements as a preventative measure.

If you experience recurrent colds — implement some of the above into your daily rituals.

If you need further support — call on your Naturopath or Nutritionist.


Leaky gut


Impact of Stress on the Gut